Cowan Place






Cowan Street, Fort Worth, TX, USA

Cowan Place is the first of a six-phase revitalization of the historic Stop Six neighborhood of Fort Worth Texas in partnership with McCormack Baron Salazar and Fort Worth Housing Solutions.

The revitalization eliminates an aging public housing complex and provides a mixed-use multi-phased revitalization master plan. The new senior development consists of a 178,000 square foot 174 unit complex and be a mix of public and market-rate housing. Through an intensive community engagement process, the project created a neighborhood comprised of high-quality, well-maintained, mixed-income housing that accommodates families and is compact and pedestrian-friendly with an interconnected network of streets and defensible public open spaces. 

The goal was to develop housing of the same design and construction quality, making assisted units indistinguishable from market-rate, affordable and workforce housing, and ensure adequate off-street parking. The building incorporates sustainable building elements such as energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and building envelopes, low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paint, sustainable materials, and green site design elements.

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